Our Knowledge Database.
Here you can see knowledge and get inspired within our field of experience
At DKT, we pride ourselves in not only developing high quality products, but also contributing to the knowledge base of the industry. Here you will find our articles and whitepapers on coaxial networks distribution, in home connectivity and Fiber networks.
Welcome to our webinars

Maximising value with a two-box installation
- Two-box installation is not just for wholesale operators
- Targeting customers in a retail world
- The value of working with DKT
The value of resilience and reliability
- Explore the changing customer perception of broadband service provision
- Discuss the broader value of battery back-up
- The value of working with DKT
Passive and active interoperability maximises resilience
- Explore the interoperability, passive and active
- The importance of a secure supply chain
- The value of working with DKT

DKT’s philosophy: Interoperability!
With interoperability, we particularly refer to the advantage of our 2-box solution, consisting of Fiber Termination Units (FTUs) and Gateways, to be compatible with all standard third-party OLTs and independent from third-party routers.
Make your FTTH network more resilient!
FTTH Battery 2
The FTTH Battery 2 (Item no. 79831) is designed to power up to 3 devices e.g. gateways, routers, analog telephone adaptors, and Wi-Fi in case of a power outage.
- Power supply in any combination of 5V, 9V, or 12V.
- Adapts to the output voltages of the end devices.
- Warns when 1-hour backup can no longer be guaranteed.
XGS-PON Gateways
The interoperable technology of the future!
In contrast to many other providers of XGS-PON Gateways, our devices are known for their flexibility and independence since they do not have a vendor lock-in and are interoperable with all standard OLTs.
- Flexible, interoperable, and cost-effective!
- Simple setup and upgrade!
centralized PON testing
If your customer notices a fault, you are already in the process of fixing it!
“FTTH is the most adanced network technology and the future of broadband networks. Nevertheless, network operators report an error rate of up to 30%.
Using Centralized PON Testing will efficiently certify all of your access network as its being built, while reducing future trouble-shooting time by up to 50%! Provide
great service reliability to improve customer satisfaction and reduce maintenance.
Use Extallation to deskill the FTTH connection.
Deskilling the installation saves time for both user and installer, reduces the time spent inside the customer’s premises and allows for the installation to be carried out with semiskilled workers!
Should you upgrade to DOCSIS 3.1?
The DOCSIS 3.1 standard for coaxial distribution provides opportunities for even faster broadband on existing coaxial cables, in practice 1Gb to every home.
Coaxial networks
Why Equalizers are vital for DOCSIS 3.1 deployments
This whitepaper explains why equalizers must be used in DOCSIS 3.1 deployment.
Coaxial networks
The coaxial outlets of the future broadband network
The outlet and home in general is one of the major issues in bringing future broadband services to the end user’s gadgets.
Coaxial networks
Screening Attenuation – when enough is enough
This white paper describes the requirements to screening attenuation of cables and other components in the CATV coaxial networks.
Coaxial networks
Saving the DOCSIS 3.1 Network from Passive Intermodulation
So how to preserve the signal quality and how to save the DOCSIS 3.1 network from passive intermodulation?
Coaxial networks
Select the right in-home amplifier for your customer
In homes where there are several TV-sets it is then necessary to amplify the signal in order to compensate for the losses in the in-home distribution network.
Coaxial networks
Why is DOCSIS 3.1 so important?
DOCSIS 3.1 is the future for Internet connectivity. But why is that?
Coaxial networks
The Benefits of Brass F-Connectors
Relevant decision has to be taken when choosing coax distribution passive components for your broadband network infrastructure.
fiber to the home
Why choose a 2-box solution?
Considering market trends and developments in fiber rollout to the home, DKT presents a unique and innovative product line that distinguishes itself ergonomically and functionally from the competition.
Why choose a Neutral Fiber Termination Unit?
A cost efficient Base Installation allows for a home network scalability solution that can be deployed to every household early in the planning phase.
Fiber to the home
Why is DKT Gateways the right solution?
The DKT Fiber Termination Unit (FTU) and Active CPE allow unique flexibility and agility via a Technology “agnostic” design and service activation by the end-user.
In home
Is the Home Network an operator’s responsibility?
Do customers share the operator philosophy that the home network is not an operators responsibility?
In home
IP distribution in the home, WiFi vs. Wired
Operators can use alternative IP distribution techniques to WiFi within the home.
In home
How to solve IP distribution in the home
Read more about how IPLoC can solve the IP distribution in the home.
Using a cabled infrastructure for WiFi backhaul traffic
It is DKT’s belief that a cable infrastructure should be used as backhaul, wherever possible. Read more in our MoCA Field test report.